Sunday, 6 October 2013

An Illustration of My Mental Self

What follows is my attempt to self-diagnose and conceptualize my psychological paradigm in effort to acclimate ones new outlook on life, which may be somewhat ponderous to begin with. Maybe after this self-reflection exercise i’ll be able to be more confident in my interactions within my work environments and be the popular guy... or maybe not.

Pretty basic stuff here: Mama’s a psycho, Papa’s a dickhead, women are objects, and God is dead. Of course, it’s not that simple, and this is all somewhat self-diagnosed, with the help of the internet. I’m a pretty fast learner so I’ll spare you any modesty and just tell you that I probably have it 88-90% correct. I got issues people — headed by anger, abandonment, and control; thus, gonna get patricidal on my Father, take my Mother out to eat while she tries to remember my name, and find some nice boobs connected to a brain (respectively of course). A guy at my retail job recently was dismissed — the why is not relevant and it wouldn’t be proper to tell — the point is that I kinda related to the dude, he was quiet, weird, and had a knack for making people around him feel very uncomfortable with his social skills. (We also had similar hairstyles.)  He might’ve had an easier time if someone was talking to him. I’ve always used my personal life as an excuse to limit my work relationships, and my work life to limit my personal relationships. To all the girls I didn’t talk to, I was always trying to build enough courage to say just gimme like a couple more weeks to “deal,” then how about me and you go out and eat on our break. I don’t mind if your on a diet, unless you’re anorexic. Either way, that last chicken wing is mine. This, of course, would be our first date. Let’s get ready for some happy, seriously.


  1. I feel like you've asked me to swallow a big, confusing brick. Your future girlfriend is going to love you.

    1. felt guilty about commenting "you had me at swallow" for 15-18 minutes, then said fuck it and went ahead

  2. I love reading about your emotional problems! Good luck with your new outlook, and keep writing.

    1. this is less abt emo probs than sweet ass illustrator licks, but thx

  3. Question. Is entropy fucked up things becoming more fucked up? I think we just have to deal with that

    I hope you find the girl right for you, you are the most interesting writer on TR

    1. entropy, miss dunn, is like when an avocado becomes guacamole, it can never return to an avocado, even if you made perfectly inverse/backwards movements in a theoretical vacuum; a common way it's described is 'the tendency for disorder in the universe.'

    2. I like guacamole but hate avocado so in my diagram I would have entropy on the left. I would also have an irrational fears section with identical twins and those machines that clean the sides of the streets.

    3. confused by <3 for guac but h8 for avocados. though it's a 'phase change' it's still avocado. i think you like avocado by default. do you not like avocados, like, sliced?

  4. beautiful profile- wouldn't have expected anything LESS twisted.

  5. Art and Porn are so much better than Self, anyway. viva la Void.

  6. That's giving a lot of credence to Freud.. I've had much more luck in mapping my defects using Maslow.

  7. Fascinated and wanted to give hug. Life's confusing.

  8. where do tacos fit into all of this? also, i'm pretty sure we have the same father.

  9. idris kenain i'll swallow your cum

  10. ditto all the comments. idris, i hope i run into you in london someday.
