in defence of the counselor

A film directed by Ridley Scott, scripted by Cormac McCarthy, and starring Michael Fassbender (among other A-list stars), is unlikely to be released without attracting widespread attention in some shape or form. And that was certainly true of The Counselor as the negative reviews flew in left, right and centre, and controversy was further fuelled by a certain scene involving one Miss Diaz getting freaky with a Ferrari sports car.

The reviews were almost entirely negative, with a handful of mildly positive ones coming out of the States. The fiercest criticisms were aimed at its structure, tone and wordiness, with many being turned off by the film's relentless nihilism. But don't worry, guys, Ive finally watched it so click here to read why I think everybody is wrong and that The Counsellor was one of the most interesting films of 2013. Fact.

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